Tuesday, September 25, 2018

New Hostess Code

Hi Everyone,

Well, it's been an up and down year with my SU business.....and I was about ready to call it quits, this week, but I just can't quit without giving it another try.

We are now settled in for the Winter at an RV park in WA on the Columbia River...possibly longer if things work out and I can once again start doing classes and having fun making cards and sharing them on my blog.

For me, it's never been about the sales or how big I could get, it's about teaching people to make cards and have pride in their accomplishments.  If there was only 1 person show up for my classes, it was fine with me.  

But, unfortunately, over the past year, I couldn't hold classes and if you don't sell enough, you are in danger of being deactivated and I wasn't able to devote the time to do my classes, being on the road, so I am really close to being deactivated.

I had thought about just allowing that to happen and I would just teach classes but the reality is that most people WANT what you used in your classes and have a source where they can get the supplies they used.  

And, to be perfectly honest, I LOVE SU's cardstock and the quality of their other products!!!!

So, that brought me to the decision that I need to try, once again, to make this work.  I'm just not ready to quit.....and since I will only be working two days a week, and won't be on the road like we were there for about a year....I will have more time to devote to my card making.

So, if you are thinking about putting in an order, I would appreciate you thinking of me.

I'll also be updating my blog a LOT more often, too.

Wish me success!!!!


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